Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Make Believe

“It’s a Barnum and Bailey world ... just as phony as it can be.” — Yip Harburg and Billy Rose

Critics (and they are rife)  say that President Trump and many of his aides seem to be living in a make-believe world when dealing with the likes of Kim, Putin and Xi. Yes, it is disturbing when Trump defers to these tyrants ... but this is his style. (We’ll see if Trump again defers to Xi on 25% tariffs at 12:01 on this coming Friday morning.)

This style keeps his “enemies closer” and its hard to argue with ... unless, in the end, he fails in winning the day. So far, it seems to be working ... albeit slowly, ever so slowly.

Dear reader, I sincerely hope for the both of us that Trump turns out to be right ... the world’s future depends on it. I do know however that previous presidents’ use of more conventional approaches didn’t do the trick. This is why I feel we should give Trump his leash ... even for another 4-year term ... which it may take to complete the deals.


  1. I can appreciate only how all-in you are. I tip my Kool-Aid cup to you!

  2. No. Dead center moderate. A shot of Kool-Aid in a glass of organic fruit juice.

  3. Prediction: Biden will spin off a moderate party that will bring out all the non voters and a lot of Democrats.

    1. Will his party be called the Whigs?


  4. Hmmm... Moderates. Citizens. Purple.

    1. My suggestion was a joke ... Biden likes hair ...
