Thursday, May 09, 2019


You’re not getting Trunp’s tax returns, Mnuchin tells Democrats

China confirms Liu will join trade talks as US says tariffs will rise on Friday

Biden takes 32-point lead over Bernie!

Report: Torres will topple May if she agrees  Brexit dealing with Corbyn

Harris unloads on pundits who say only a white man can beat Trump

$5 billion fine is a ‘bargin’ for Facebook, top US senators say

Gallup: Trump approval hits new high; tops Obama at same time in presidency

Pete Buttigieg: America ‘was never as great as advertised’

Tom Cotton pans Trump’s plan to allow more foreign guest workers

Brexit won’t be solved by next deadline, survey of global finance chiefs says

Are we watching John Bolton’s last stand?

UN report: Humans killing planet, globalism the fix

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