Saturday, May 18, 2019

Burning Bridges

The growing revelations surrounding our intelligence agencies’ apparent conspiring with foreign spooks to spy on the Trump campaign and then trying to bring down his presidency ... very likely will cast a pall over future cooperation involving legitimate security threats. It looks like those agencies in Great Britain, Australia and Italy ... at least ... will end up with egg on their faces after this chicanery is fully revealed in AG Barr’s investigation of the investigation.

These governments seem to have been up to their eyeballs ... involved into US political intrigue ... and Italy is already cleaning house ... calling for resignations from the involved parties ... see: Citizens Free Press Story. These countries may now be reluctant to cooperate again under actual intrusion threats. Have Obama’s bumbling Keystone Kops, Brennan, Comey and Clapper, burned down our bridges with foreign intelligence agencies?

Quite likely ... at least for the nonce.

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