Saturday, April 27, 2019


Joe Biden bets it all on the Obama coalition

North Korea wants to denuclearize but wants guarantees, Putin says after Kim talks

DHS releasing 1,400 illegals into USA every day ...

Bernie campaign chair comes out against voting rights for terrorists

‘Racism and sexism’: Women of color slam white male tilt of Dem primary

Tesla misses big on first-quarter earnings as demand fell for its electric cars

Shock poll: Biden opens up 8-point lead on Trump

UK police ‘screen out’ nearly half of  crime reports

Mulvaney: ‘I don’t recall’ telling staffers not to mention election security to Trump

US markets could move 15% higher, investor says

Picture emerges of well-to-do young bombers behind Sri Lankan carnage ...

Poll: Only 31 percent of Americans claim Medicare for All a ‘top priority’

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