Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Common Sense

These days common sense seems to have fled from the spittle-flecked social-warrior mob ... and is hiding in a Conservative briar patch. In many ways, America was at its greatest when common sense was allowed to prevail. President Trump may not be an intellectual giant or a Lincolnesque orator, but he does have a powerful lot of common sense.


  1. That is the most absurd statement you've ever made. He's a liar and a cheat and has not one ounce of common sense. Please rethink your blog.

  2. In 2016, 63 million voters agreed with me. Likely to be more in 2020.

    1. In 2016, you expressed that to not vote for Hillary you would have to cover your eyes, hold your nose, and reach through the doorway to pull the handle for Trump. That was not much of an expression of solidarity with a leader. Is it surprising that many are now covering their eyes and holding their noses as we endure Trump?

    2. He is growing on me ...

  3. T.Paine11:12 AM

    In 1933 A lot of people voted for Hitler. He had the same ilk of common sense as Trump...and he ended-up wrecking the world and killing more than 60 million people.

    1. Ergo, Trump is Hitler? This meme is getting quite tiresome.

    2. T.Paine5:06 PM

      Shutting your eyes and sticking your fingers in your ears singing "LALALA" will not make the Hitler analogy go away. Your contention was that 63 million votes proves that a leader has common sense. No. It shows that people will elect a lying thin-skinned autocrat, who blames all evils on others. When he is finally defeated in 2020, his shills will not be forgiven either.

    3. Your discription sounded a lot like Obama.

  4. Hold on! The other guys have common sense too. And theirs is not dead. And they imagine the future rather than the past. Stick around and see.
