Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Beard Stroking

Is truth absolute or relative? I would like to believe that is is absolute ... as would every person of faith around the world. But I think that most truths are relative. Truth lives only in a context and can be readily debunked beyond the limits of that context. This is how all the never-Trumpers can cling to their Russian conspiracy “crimes” when they are obviously false. These never-Trumpers refuse to venture beyond the borders of their constructed world. They must truly believe their chimeras ... otherwise their moral compass disintegrates.

And we Trump supporters often suffer a version of this same malady ... often trying to make excuses for Trump’s reality twisting for which he is constantly accused. I often hear myself silently repeating one of Trump’s famous lines, “We’ll see what happens,” when one of his actions comes up short. Yes, he makes mistakes ... many mistakes. But he, unlike many who despise him, has an uncanny ability to walk away from these accidents without a backward glance ... while much f the rest of the world stands around stroking their beards.

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