Saturday, March 16, 2019

White Nationalism (Updated)

I am a regular watcher of Smerconish on the CNN Saturday morning lineup. Because of the New Zealand mosque attacks, his survey question this AM was, ‘Does white nationalism pose a threat to liberal democracy?” The results were ... from 11,314 respondents 84% YES and 15% NO. This obviously is a self-selecting sample, so the results are biased. But the question itself does reveal something about the questioner ... namely: Are liberal democracies only run by whites?

Are there not liberal democracies run by those of other races? What about India? What about Chili? What about Ghana? What about Japan? What about Costa Rica? What about Israel.? What about South Africa? What about South Korea? What about Indonesia?

And do any of these countries have nationalistic tendencies?

Clearly nationalism of the non-white variety threaten the liberal democracies in some of these countries. And there is at least one white country which is not a liberal democracy ... namely Russia. So why would Smerconish limit his question to just white democracies?

Answer: “This is CNN!”

Afterthought: It is interesting that the New Zealand shooter most closely identifies not with Donald Trump ... but with Red China. Perhaps this is because how China puts Muslims in “re-education” camps ... and Trump doesn’t.

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