Monday, March 25, 2019

Investigation Fatigue

The Mueller investigation is over. It appears to this observer to have been nothing more than an exercise in gorilla dust to keep the country distracted with bluster so that we would not focus on the many real serious scandals committed by Obama, Hillary Clinton, Brennan, Comey, Clapper, Lynch, et alia during The One’s regime. This obfuscating strategy continues into the foreseeable future with the intent to tire us out from bogus investigations so that these real Obama scandals will be swept away.

So, the fact that Mueller seems to have come up empty with his two-year investigation may not be a total loss for the Democrats. Hillary is still sipping Chardonnay in Chappaqua, Obama is ensconced with Michelle O. and Valery Jarrett in his DC manse, most of the crooked CIA, FBI and DOJ bad actors are still cashing their checks from book publishers, MSNBC, CNN and other media moguls ... and spittle-flecked Democrats are plotting new ways to negate the results of the last election ... instead of helping Trump to Make America Great Again.

“The investigation continues ...” So sad!

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