Wednesday, March 27, 2019


I have ben surfing the liberal media trying to find an honest Trump accuser who, after some soul searching, has had an change of heart in response to Mueller’s exoneration of Trump in the fake Russian collusion charges. You would think that, given Trump’s clean bill of health, some stand-up Democrat would realize that it might be a good idea to get contrite and on the right side of history ... maybe some recently-elected representative from a purple district?

Despite scant evidence of such clear-eyed honesty, I have found only one liberal who has sidled up to this embarrassing moment — David Brooks, opinion writer for the New York Times. He has conceded that the media needs a little self-examination as a result of the Mueller findings ... see: NY Times OpEd.

But I don’t expect a tsunami of such half-hearted attempts at honesty.

Afterthought:  The Mueller witch-hunt was really not in vain ... the Dems did win the House last Nov.


  1. Brooks: "Republicans and the Sean Hannity-style Trumpians might also approach this moment with an attitude of humility and honest self-examination." I still wonder: If there were no crimes, why all the lies? (BTW, you have never given Obama, Hillary, et al any slack, despite zero indictments. Why should you expect less from the never-Trumpers?)

  2. You and pencil neck to the bitter end, Are you going to watch Trump tonight?
