Sunday, March 03, 2019

20 Questions

1) Will Trump be impeached this year?

2) Will the Norks denuke?

3) How many Dems will be running for president?

4) Will Michelle O.  be one of them?

5) Will Howard Schultz still be running as an Independent?

6) Will Amazon build its HQ2 in New York?

7) Will a China trade deal be inked?

8) Will Trump’s emergency Mexico wall money be allowed?

9) Will Ocasio-Cortez still be relevant?

 10) Will there be a recession in the US?

11) Will Trump have a serious Republican challenger?

12) Will the US be out of Syria this year?

13) Will the US be out of Afghanistan?

14) Will there be a hard Brexit?

15) Will Theresa May still be in office by year end

16) Will Trudeau still be in office by year end?

17) Will Macron still be in office by year end?

18) Will Netanyahu still be in office?

19) Will Maduro be overthrown?

20) Will there be any serious terrorist attacks this year?

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