Tuesday, February 05, 2019


2020 Democrat holdouts wait for Harris, Warren to trip

France to recognize Venezuela's Guaido if Maduro doesn't call [for] vote on Sunday

Israel begins construction of new Gaza border barrier ...

Donald Trump golfs with Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods

Northam refuses to resign but says he once did Michael Jackson blackface

This is how college got so expensive in America

Trump: 'I would have a hard time' letting son play football ...

Report: Ralph 'Coonman' Northam counting on media to save him

Trump: Pompeo 'absolutely not leaving' to rum for Senate

Deutsche Bank said to have refused Trump a loan during hearted 2016 campaign

Fire in [Iran] space center kills three scientists ...

De Blasio: Bloomberg would be 'laughed out' of 2020 race

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