Friday, January 11, 2019

The Juggler

President Trump is juggling many tough negotiations ... lots of balls in the air  -- the border wall, China trade war, North Korea nukes, withdrawal from Syria, Mueller's investigations, Russian threats, staff replacements, isolation of Iran, immigration reform, Obamacare replacement, the Fed raising interest rates, etc., etc.

Anybody who is watching has to wonder how this man does not unravel as a result of the pressures that come from all these challenges.

But he seems to actually enjoy all the chaos that these negotiations entail. May I say he even seems to thrive on the angst created ... particularly in the media? This personal style must be the result of his many years of dealing with the tough and tumble world of huge construction projects in Manhattan and around the world ... where those on the other side of the negotiating table may be somewhat unsavory and underhanded. And yet he continually prevailed and his projects got completed.

This may be America's unexpected benefit of elevating a non-politician to our highest office ... someone who knows his way around even more dismal swamps than are found in Washington.


  1. Can I have some of what you're smoking? He is a small-time thug on a stage where he is dealing with real murderers (not just pussy-grabbers). Most of the things you think he is juggling are actually lying on the ground, broken to bits.

    1. Opinion = Fact (a modern-day malady)

    2. Your fictitious world does not reflect reality. Americans are being hurt by the China Trade war, the closed government, etc.
      He is not juggling, he is running amok!
