Thursday, January 24, 2019

Sea Levels

Sea levels are likely rising ... like they have been for thousands of years. Greens have only one reason for this -- melting ice due to global warming. (Not a discussion I will take up here.) This is clearly part of this "problem" as our world is in a slow secular warming trend since our Little Ice Age in the 1600s. However, there are other reasons for rising sea levels: every year millions of metric tons of extraterrestrial water enter our planet from outer space ... in some specific areas land masses are sinking ... and finally, our atmosphere may be retaining less moisture.

So, if sea levels are indeed rising, there seems only three solutions: 1) Moving populations away from our shorelines, 2) Spending trillions of dollars to try to "stop" global warming, or 3) Like the Netherlands, building dikes and immoral sea walls to hold back the oceans.

It seems to this blogger that the order of these solutions go dramatically from most to least expensive in the above list. So, dear readers, if Obama has not stopped the seas from rising, I know what solution I think is the most sensible.

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