Wednesday, January 23, 2019

If True ...

... BuzzFeed says Trump told Michael Cohen to lie to Congress

... Hillary  Clinton's missing 33,000 emails were all about yoga and Chelsea's wedding

... John Kerry has been seen courting Jeff Bezos'  soon-to-be ex-wife

... Kamala Harris, while a DA, never put an innocent black behind bars

... "Walls are immoral ," says Nancy Pelosi ... except the one around her house

... Bill DeBlasio has guaranteed free health care fore everyone except those who voted against him

... Ruth Bader Ginsburg is still alive and voting from home on Supreme Court decisions

... In DC, the Covington High School boys mocked and jeered a Native American Vietnam vet and a group of meek Hebrew Black Israelites

... "The world is coming to an end in 12 years,"  says Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

... Elizabeth Warren is more than 1/1024th Native American

... Colin Kaepernick is a great quarterback and knelt because of his patriotism

... Bill Clinton "I never had sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky, not a single time"

... Al Gore: "The world has a fever"

... "Mexico is going to pay for the wall": Donald Trump

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