Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Harris picks hotbed of anti-Trump movement for campaign launch

Americans blame Trump for shutdown chaos, as more believe US is 'on the wrong track' -- NBC/WSJ poll

Kamala kickoff draws 20,000, 'Bigger than Obama'

Ranchers invite Pelosi to border: Come see why your fence is trash

Marine Le Pen backs Britain's membership in 'reformed' EU

Trump White House reportedly pushes allies to back China's Huawei in race for 5G network

Treasury to borrow $1 trillion for second year to finance deficit ...

Brokaw: 'Hispanics should work harder at assimilation'

Jerome Corsi says he is 'happy' to testify against Stone

The Fed needs yo get 'out of the business of  monetary policy': Ron Paul

 Hillary not ruling out 2020 ...

At least 30,000 border crossings expected while government reopens

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