Sunday, January 13, 2019


Shutdown will be the longest in history as Congress skips town

If the shutdown lasts two mote weeks, the cost to the economy will exceed Trump's wall

Trump eyes disaster money to fund border wall ..

Report: WaPo owner Jeff Bezos allegedly sent penis selfies to mistress

Exasperated Democrats try to rein in Ocasio-Cortez

CDC says it's another bad flu season with 7.3 million people sick so far

San Diego TV station: CNN declined 'local view' on wall effectiveness ...

China: U.S. company 'pathetic' for refusing to  buy goods made by Muslim slaves

[Kamala] Harris schedules first South Carolina visit

This chart shows the market is due for another 5% slide

Ocasio-Cortez mocks aging Democrats ...

Report: Desantis to replace Scott Israel with Broward's first black sheriff

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