Monday, December 10, 2018


The legal battle that could undermine law is at the center of the Mueller investigation

Market turmoil washes out Apple and Alphabet's gains for the year

Prosecutors say Trump directed illegal payments during campaign ...

Jerry Nadler vows to shut down House probe into DOJ-Democrat collusion

Trump leans on McConnell to bots on criminal justice reform

China's November export, import growth shrinks, showing weak demand

American entrepreneurs who flocked to China are returning home, disillusioned ...

Finland: Crackdown on criminal migrants because of 'evil' rape gangs

Paris police arrest hundreds in [yellow jacket] political protests again

If the Fed doesn't raise rates this month, the market could panic, Cramer says

Chinese police close down 1,100 social media accounts ...

... Police fight yellow vests at E.U. HQ as protests spread to Belgium, Netherlands

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