Tuesday, December 04, 2018


Trump says he will withdraw from NAFTA, pressuring Congress to approve new trade deal

France to considers [declaring] state of emergency following fresh riots

BLINK: 90-day halt in new [China] tariffs ...

Schiff: Trump 'compromised' by Russian ties ...

Schiff: Mueller tried to 'lock in' Corsi with new plea deal

A chart suggests 'Santa Claus rally' is not coming this year

Mexico's new president vows to end 'rapacious' elites in his first speech

Brenda Snipes rescinds [Broward county] resignation ...

Trump, Xi call truce on new tariffs as trade talks continue

Mining software can't just be used for cryptocurrency -- it can be used to steal corporate secrets

Iran launches stealth warship in Gulf ...

Harvard student faces eviction for legally owned and stored guns ...

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