Saturday, December 01, 2018


I've tried to make this point before ... that Trump's demeanor is like a stone around his neck ... yet he keeps moving forward identifying and solving problems for the American people. Our president's detractors are legion ... most of the media, the Deep State, Hollywood, most Democrats, higher education, establishment Republicans, George Soros and his many well-funded tentacles, suburban woman, and big tech. A very formidable set of adversaries ... yet, so far, he survives ... and keeps getting things done.

To get back to his demeanor ... he is pompous, egotistical, simple-speaking, insulting and truth stretching. And, to all these labels that the media have painted him with, add  white supremacist, liar, antisemitite, mentally unbalanced, Islamophobe, racist, misogynist, Putin puppet, autocrat, etc. It's a wonder that he has any supporters at all. Yet he packs arenas to overflowing ... while prominent Democrats pad out their meager audiences with paid-for chaff.

Yet Trump has solved or seems to be solving many of America's knotty issues, trade, economic growth, employment and household income growth, higher consumer confidence, putting North Korea and Iran in a box, stronger military, more conservative courts, solving immigration issues, fixing NATO funding, better Israel relations, squashing ISIS, etc, etc.

So how can such a bad guy do such good things? Why the disconnect between his demeanor  and his deeds? Perhaps it is because he loves his country more than himself?

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