Monday, November 05, 2018

Straight Skinny

Christine Blasey Ford

Got some extra time ... maybe while waiting for the midterm election results? Then maybe you want to see the report from the Senate Judiciary Committee on the Kavanaugh hearings. It is extensive and dry reading ... except for the fact that it bares the hypocrisy of the Resistance. Go ahead, play detective and see if you can find the goods on Brett Kavanaugh? Or perhaps see the perfidious nature of those who tried to take him down?

Read: Senate Judiciary Committee Kavanaugh Summary Report

I can't leave this subject without mentioning one of Trump's finest moments: When Kavanaugh was being formally confirmed in the Oval Office, President Trump specifically took time to tell Kavanaugh's two young daughters what a fine and admirable man their father is ... offering some solace to what these girls had obviously suffered during these shameful attempts to slime their father.

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