Friday, November 09, 2018


After Session, who will Trump dump next?

The gas engine still has a long life to live, Aston Martin CEO says

Manchin unloads on Trump after win; 'junkyard dog' ...

[Rep.] Jerry Nadler: Democrats will 'impeach Kavanaugh,' investigate Trump

Trump warns House Dems against 'war-like' posture in boastful, bitter remarks

The San Francisco homeless tax that pitted tech billionaires against each other passes

Mob outside home of Ticker Carlson ...

Chinese state media celebrates far-left U.S. midterm election winners

Pelosi looks to grind out bid for [House] speaker

Trump scorns midterm losers who did not 'embrace' him

White House suspends CNN's Acosta's press pass ...

Judge: NRA suit against New York can proceed on 1st Amendment

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