Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Trump threatens to shut down the border if Mexico doesn't remove the migrants

'Corporate greed at its worst' Ohio official slam GM's move out of an area Trump pledged to revive

President Trump on govt climate warning: 'I don't believe it'

Illegal immigration under Trump on track to hit highest level in a decade

6 months in: Europe's 'privacy revolution' favors Google, Facebook

Elon Musk should just admit it when his companies are in trouble -- supporters would love hum more

Aging America: Old will outnumber children first time in HISTORY ...

Report: Jerome Corsi rejects plea deal, plans to sue Mueller

White House lacks lawyers to deal with empowered Democrats

President Trump: General Motors better get back in Ohio soon

Ocasio-Cortez  compares caravan to Jews fleeing holocaust ...

Hispanic babies aborted in U.S. outnumber caravan migrants 7 to 1

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