Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Troops at U.S.-Mexican border to start coming home

US judge bats Trump administration from enforcing asylum ban

Hedge-fund boss: Get ready for some 'realylsorry moments' ...

Gen-control lobby  'eclipsed' NRA spending in recent midterms

Senate Democrats sue to block Whitaker from serving as acting AG

Nearly half of global CFOs expect either a no-deal Brexit -- or simply don't know what to think

Maduro's [Venezuela] military purge leads to record arrests ...

NJ jail refuses 92 detainer request sets for criminal illegal aliens

[DHS] Nielsen: Port of entry temporally closed due to caravan

Tesla is turning to partners to help with a growing used-car business

Correspondents group declares follow-up questions will continue ...

Sweden faces snap elections as traditional parties refuse to work with Populists

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