Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Poll: Biden, Bernie, Beto lead 2020 Dem field

There is something about this market sell-off that no one is talking about: The strong dollar

Maxine Waters taunts Trump to 'keep his mouth shut' ...

Poll: 6ercent of Democrats say Republicans are 'racist,' 'bigoted,' 'sexist'

Theresa May: Brexit talks 'in the endgame'

Goldman's 'bear market risk indicator' signals returns will be zero the next twelve months

Jerry Brown blames Climate Deniers [for CA wildfires] ...

Jeb Bush accesses his appointee Brenda Snipes of breaking election laws

Defeated GOP lawmaker blames McCain's Obamacare vote for Demd' House takeover

Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee dead at 95

Justice Department  legal opinion to support Whitaker appointment ...

Turley: Dems will hit Trump with a 'storm of subpoenas'

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