Thursday, October 11, 2018


The Democrats are taking great umbrage that President Trump and other Republicans are calling their actions during and after the Kavanaugh confirmation as mob-like. Now that the Right is using the their tactics by using language to condemn the Left, they are fit to be tie

Keeping with the spirit of the moment, Hillary OKs her mob not to be civil to Republicans until hers party captures Congress. And Obama's wing man AG, Eric Holder, says that "when they go low, we kick them."

So should the GOP double down and up the pejorative rhetoric? Maybe we replace "[flash] mob" with thugs ... with hooligans, with vandals, with goons, withe hoodlums, with reprobates, maybe even gangsters?

No, I think I'll go the other way and call them a "puddle" ... for, after all, aren't they just a bunch of melting snowflakes?

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