Thursday, October 04, 2018


Ford demands interview in FBI probe

Private payrolls surge 230,000, highest since February as the economic boom continues

FBI wraps it up ... Trump mocks Christine

Ex-boyfriend says Dr. Ford coached friend for polygraph, had no fear of flying ... Perjury?

Mueller 'downsizing'with depart ire with 2 prosecutor

Kavanaugh warned friends of condo eviction in 1983: 'We're loud, obnoxious drunks'

Leak: NYT gets Trump trove of confidential tax tax returns ...

Left terms to homophobia to attack Lindsey Graham: 'Closeted idiot'

The Kavanaugh hearings are hurting #MeToo

India's rupee sinks to record lows. It's central bank isn't expected to save it

Saudis raise oil output to near record amid Trump pressure ...

Prosecutor's report: 9 reasons Christine Blasey Ford not credible

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