Monday, October 08, 2018


Anger vs. elation: Parties scrap for Kavanaugh edge in midterms

Democrats' advantage in recent polls may not bring the 'blue wave' they're hoping for

Trump set to shuffle his generals ...

McConnell: 'We stood up for the presumption of innocence'

McConnell: Conservative revamp of the courts isn't done yet

China's central bank announces new policy to spur growth

Pompeo hails 'progress' after meeting with Kim in Pyongyang ...

MS-13  gang member apprehensions up 244 percent

Is Brett Kavanaugh damaged goods?

The last time rates soared like this, the stock market plunged double digits

Avenati turns radioactive as Liberals accuse porn lawyer for [Kavanaugh] confirmation ...

... Alaska will never forgive Lisa Murkowski

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