Monday, October 15, 2018


[Beto] O'Rourke raises a record smashing $38 million in third quarter

Saudi stocks plunge 7% on Khashoggi fallout, Kingdom vows to fight sanctions

Florida officials worry that Michael's death toll will rise ...

[David] Brooks: Trump has put the GOP at a moral disadvantage

'We have a Latino problem': Dems fret over midterm turnout in key House districts

China central bank still has plenty of tools to counter detrimental trade war effect: Governor

Tulley: Three reasons why Mueller will not charge Trump with obstruction ...

Dozens of witches gather to place public hex on Brett Kavannah

Trump thanks Erdogan for American pastor's release

BOJ's Kuroda warns of darkening global prospects as trade tensions weigh

Over 17 inches of snow fall in NDakota and only October ...

ANTIFA takes over Portland, harasses old man for disobeying

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