Sunday, September 30, 2018


The recent testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford at the Senate hearings on the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation brought to mind a movie from my childhood. This movie was Alfred Hitchcock's classic psychological drama "Spellbound," which scared the spit out of me.

Briefly, this movie was a story about two psychiatrists, Ingrid Bergman and Gregory Peck. The latter doctor suffered psychotic incidents whenever he saw parallel lines, such as on a fork or ski trails. So the doctor played by Ingrid Bergman  put Peck under psychoanalysis to figure out why. After much drama, it was discovered the the character played by Gregory Peck had, as a young child, been on the roof with his brother when this brother fell off and onto a wrought iron fence (thus, the parallel lines) where he was killed. Gregory Peck's character felt it was his fault and this guilty thought was  then suppressed ... causing his psychosis.

Can I now draw a parallel to Dr. Blasey Ford's obvious psychosis surrounding her weird and driving obsession for two front doors?  The explanation that this was connected to a locked bedroom door in the alleged Kavanaugh sexual attack seems simplistic and contrived to this observer. But, not being a head doctor, I think that this clue suggests a much more traumatic incident under different circumstances ... perhaps earlier in her life than was related.

If this is the rational for destroying Kavanaugh's life, then it deserves more serious and professional investigation ... but not at the expense of his confirmation. This is Blasey Ford's demon, not Kavanuaugh's. Watch for the blockbuster book in five or ten years.

Afterward: See Real Clear Politics and Real Clear Investigations

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