Thursday, September 20, 2018

Obvious Truth #28

American's right to privacy is guaranteed by the 4th Amendment to our Constotition. But now this right is being seriously jeopardized by the Internet and its connected listening and camera devices ... which can and often do capture everything said and done in a connected room.  The implications of this power in anyone's let alone evil hands is enormous. We should be very afraid.

Afterward; See: Fast Compamy


  1. So what are you "small government" advocates gonna do about it? The masses have foolishly traded their privacy for free content. (Genesis 25:29-34)

    1. Is it up to me to fix things?

    2. No, you are allowed to rail freely about the evils of invasive technology without offering a shred of hope. We are doomed and the sooner we recognize that fact, the better.
