Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Obvious Trith #15

"Keep your customers surly but not rebellious" -- Anon.

The more the American public (and Congress) is learning about Google, Favebook and Twitter, the more we are appreciating that these and other social-media companies have cut a huge slice out of our freedom and privacy cake. We, their customers, are moving from being surly into rebel territory. Such overreach by the Masters of the Universe needs correcting ... and fast. -- Anon.


  1. You still don't get it. We are NOT customers of Google, Facebook, and Twitter. I do not give any of them money. Do you?

    We are more like pollen. We want to socialize with other flowers to get more worldly. Bees do that for us. But we pay little heed to the fact that the bees monetize a lot of our pollen into honey. The investors in the hive and the consumers of the honey get the rewards. And even when we know this fact, we still want to freely offer our pollen.

    1. We give them information which they sell ... same thing.

    2. Otherwise they are electronic billboards on the internet superhighway. We refgulate normal billboards, why not these bozos too.

    3. Ah! The advertisers on the billboards are paying the bills. They are the customers. We are the eyeballs that hopefully get influenced. If you want a highway without billboards, just pick one that makes them illegal. And just stop using Google, Twitter, and Facebook.

    4. We give them information much like weekly trash pickup. It all goes *somewhere* but i really don't care where. Maybe someone makes money off it, maybe someone picks through it. And next week I'll do it all over again with a fresh load.
