Sunday, September 02, 2018


Subjective justice is the poison of a noble society. -- Amon.


  1. I am tryingto parse this. "Subjective justice" is a good thing; "noble society" is either a dignified society (a good thing) or a society based on heredity (feudalism); "poison" is, well, poison. Thus, where legal minds debate justice in each case, that justice must not factor politics or family into the decisions.

    1. Your last sentence is a good attempt at defining objective justice. And the US is the best attempt yet at a righteous (noble) society. Subjective justice is rearing its ugly head however.

  2. Righteousness is religious justification. We explicitly separate church and state. We barely have a majority that feel religious. Consider African countries and the Middle East where righteousness can be severe.

    Nobility was a primary reason for the US breaking away from Britain. They have nobility; we do not.

    Objective refers to objects and events in the world that anyone can, in principle, observe. Subjective refers to feelings and experiences that depend on the individual's own particular viewpoint and traits. There needs to be objective elements in the decision process, but unless there is some (beautiful) subjective reasoning and discourse in the process, the decision process becomes simply an algorithm.

  3. Put your thesaurus and dictionary away. You know what I meant.

  4. I see. Go by what you meant rather then what you said. That becomes subjective. How do you know what I know?

    1. By what you say ....

    2. But i am commenting on things you are saying. So you know what i know by what i say but i know not what you know unless i intuit what you meant. Easy peasy...

    3. You pick definitions of my words that suit your purpose. I don't ...

    4. Soooo.... Words you use don’t seem to have alternate definitions that evaluate to what you seem to want to say. You use words that have private definitions.

      That's the end of my comments. You do not understand my words and I do not understand yours. Maybe I’ll pick up my blog where I am the biased a$$hole with words that have meaning to me. Best wishes to your family. Au revoir!
