Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Anita Hill: Kavanaugh accuser deserves 'fair and neutral' process

The bond market is beginning to believe the Fed is serious about two more rate hikes this year

Obama repeatedly stutters, talks about self 79 times during short speech ...

[Al] Gore calls storms biblical events

Governor Moonbeam: California to launch 'its own damn satellite' (from Politico)

London mayor [Kahn] calls for second referendum on Brexit

Looters capitalize on [Florence] chaos

Claim: Former Obama officials advising Europe to evade Iran sanctions

Trump could impose tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods next week

Storm Florence weakens but epic rains still expected on US east coast

Paul McCartney slams Trump in new song ...  'Mad captain is sailing this boat' ...

CNN ratings down 41 percent from last year

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