Monday, October 01, 2018


Trump optimistic about Kavanaugh, as FBI opens probe

SEC settles with Tesla's Elon Musk, will remain CEO but relinquish board chair and pay $20M fine

ACLU reverses policy, comes out against [Kavanaugh] nomination ...

Trump: FBI Kavanaugh investigation 'Blessing in disguise'

Press briefings fade amid Kavanaugh crisis

Setback for local California sanctuary law may boost Trump's tough immigration enforcement efforts

Update: Indonesian tsunami death toll over 832 ...

Border Patrol arrests of M-13 gangsters up 50 percent in 2018

Democrats plan to examine Trump's tax returns after midterms

If Trump abandons globalism, America's interests will suffer 'irreparable harm'

Britain to send troops to Arctic to stop Russian land grab ...

... [David] Brooks admits: Dems have no hard evidence against Kavanaugh

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