Thursday, September 06, 2018


Poll: Congressional Democrats up 14 points over GOP in generic ballot

We got out first 2019 market forecast for Wall Street: Credit Suisse see 11% surge

Chaos at Kavanaugh hearings, Dems call for adjournment ...

Dems seeking Issa seatembrace Pelosi

Panetta: Democrats should stay away from impeachment

Construction spending rises slightly in July

Chuck Todd: Time for the press to stop complaining -- and start fighting back ...

Grasslety piles on: Sessions 'could be more aggressive' running DOJ

Kavanaugh pledges to be 'neutral' umpire on Supreme Court

US SUV sales surge again in August

REPORT: Aretha's family now says eulogy was offensive ...

Poll: Majority of Republicans feel Mueller investigation should be shut down

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