Thursday, September 20, 2018


Trump orders declassification of surveillance  applications, release of Comey texts

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross: China's 'out of billets' to retaliate against Trump's new tariffs

Politics dominates Emmy Red Carpet ...

Emmys catastrophe: Ratings crater 10% to new all-time low ..

Flake's revenge: Trump's antagonist holds back on Kavanaugh

China must retaliate against US tariffs, Commerce Ministry says

[Christine Ford's] LAWYER: Not her job to corroborate her [Kavanaugh] story ...

Texas declares 'final victory' in voter ID lawsuit

Trump's Space Force struggling to launch

Your Social Security check could be 2.8 percent higher next year

[Alibaba's Jack] Ma: Trade war could last 20 years ...

China retaliates levying tariffs on $60 billion if U.S. goofs

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