Tuesday, September 11, 2018


At-risk House Republicans say no to new tax bill

China's trade surplus with US hits new record in August, adding fuel to trade war fire

CBS Moonves accused of sex crimes, assault in new report ... SIX MORE WOMEN ...

NFL will NOT implement new anthem policy this year

Michael Cohen seeks to unwind hush-money deal with Stormy Daniels

Trump has set economic growth on fire. Here's how he did it

WOODWARD SPEAKS: People better wake up to 'wanr's going on' ...

2020: Sasse floats leaving GOP ...

Approval ratings of Germany's grand coalition fall to record low

Ocean Cleanup launches to rake on Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Twitter suspends Benghazi hero after criticism of Obama ...

Boris: May's Brexit plan is a suicide vest ... hands detonator to Brussels

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