Friday, September 28, 2018


Christine Ford finished her lacrymonious testimony yesterday in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. And she was obviously effective. However one thing, that no one else noticed, did strike me as strange. This disconnect was when Dr. Ford said several times, when asked about why she finally came forward with her accusations, said that she had to weigh the costs against the benefits of this decision.

OK, let's assume that thus was her thinking ... what could be the costs and benefits that she was facing?

Costs: a few weeks of a disruptive life dedicated to negations, legal coaching and testimony, threats from disgruntled foes, possibly some legal and associated costs (unlikely given yesterday's testimony), invasion of her and her family's privacy bubble, possible charges of perjury

Benefits: Possible blockage of Kavanaugh's sitting on the Supreme Court, a significant embarrassment to her hated President Trump, eternal adoration by the Left and its media, a likely seven-figure book deal, a lifetime of speaking deals and likely honorary degrees, a movie deal, numerous prizes and awards, etc.

Why was there any question of what she would do?


  1. 1. She was less Lachrymose than Kavanaugh.
    2. I think you vastly mischaracterize the risk/cost of her coming forward and being ajudged a crazy person, ruining her career and life.

    1. The cuckoo-pie multimillionaire ... adored by the Left, cursed by the Right. Not to many of her California friends and neighbors who fall in the latter category.

    2. Even her husband thought she was cuckoo-pie when she insisted on two front doors. That is why they went into couples therapy.
