Thursday, August 30, 2018

Presidential Ratings, FDR yo DJT

Inspired by my precious distinction between rating Trump by his style versus his substance (what good gets done), I have gone back and rated all presidents in my lifetime by these metrics ... see below:

                 Substance            Style
FDR                6                       8
HST                 7                      4
DDE                8                       6
JFK                  4                     10
RMN                8                       3
GHF                 5                       3
JEC                  2                        5
RWR                9                        9
GHWB             6                       7
WJC                 6                        2
GHB                 4                       4
BHO                 1                       8
DJT                   9                       2

We Americans seem to be quite enamored with style versus substance ... which explains a lot of Trump's "Resistance" problems ... and much of Obama's piss-poor performance legacy.


  1. Hey George, most people would probably quibble with the grades you’ve assigned, but generally I think you are pretty much in the ballpark. I’d take 2 points off both for style and substance for Mr Trump, though.
    I do have to tell you, however, I came very close in the last few days ask you to take me off your mailing list or at least not to send me anything about Mr Trump any longer. I’ve never particularly liked the man, but his actions and inactions in connection with Senator McCain’s death, took it over the limit for me. But rather than cover my ears, I’ve decided to tell you what I think of Mr Trump.
    He is one of the most repulsive human beings I have ever encountered. And after 60 years in the business world that is saying a lot. Much of what he says and all of how he says it, is repellant and disgusting. His utterances speak of a mind that is permanently in the slime of the gutter. I make a clear distinction here between the “what” and “how” because I am not against some of his policies . . . but I have never heard him phrase anything that didn’t revolt me.
    The other character trait of Mr Trump that I find highly disturbing is his vindictiveness. He cannot let a perceived sleight pass. This speaks of a lack of human spirit, of a meanspirited mind that has no place in an American president.
    Both you and I know, George, that I am not a wilting wallflower. But Mr Trump is over the top. I am literally ashamed to have to recognize him as the president of this great country of ours.
    Take care, brother, and turn your fine mind to analyzing the other ills of the world rather than acting like a Doberman for Mr Trump.
    I trust you are all well. Mary unfortunately was in a car accident a month or so ago and while she is recuperating well, it will be a long haul. No travelling for a while in any case.
    Best, Axel

    1. I don't think I have ever endorsed Trump's style ... it is often cringeworthy. But he is identifying and fixing problems. However, however crude his methods are, they are not evil I!HO. He does place our country first. Give our best to Marty. And thanks for your thoughts ...

    2. Afterward: Perhaps the moral that was drawn at the end of the coirt martial in "The Caine Mutiny" has affected me more than most.

  2. Why should anyone pay attention to these highly subjective (and utterly predictable) ratings?

    1. All opinion is subjective ... but the world is awash with opinion.
