Saturday, August 25, 2018


Resist the Resistance -- Anon.

I can  think of no better word ... much of this country is experiencing paroxysms of irrational hysteria  over who we are and where we are going. All because Donald Trump has identified and given voice to the unmet cravings of hundreds of millions of Americans. These masses have felt controlled and manipulated by alien forces -- the media, the Washington establishment, the Chamber of Commerce, NAFTA, Wall Street, Hollywood, the UN, George Soros, the environmentalists, professional sports, higher education, the WTO, the tech giants, the Davos poobahs --- and they don't like it ... so they elected Trump.

Ironically enough, these paroxysms are occurring more to preserve these desmal institutions than those wishing their destruction. Donald Trump is the one rethinking and reshaping the world more to their liking. And be not confused ... those that Trump represents are a huge number and growing ... not as sophisticated and vocal and violent as the Resistance or Robert Mueller ... but much bigger ... that "silent majority' of days past.  And now that they have a champion in Trump, they feel that they are being heard ... and they really like it. Their muzzle is off ... so be careful those of you who want them gone.

You have a dangerous task ... one that can only be won by the abrogation of our Constitution. That would truly be the end.


  1. I think you are off by an order of magnitude: “unmet cravings of TENS of millions of Americans”, not HUNDREDS of millions.

    1. 63 million voted for him. let's roind it up to 80 illion adults for non-voting adults. The double this to round out the families. This gives you the 40+% of 330 million that the pollsters give Trump. OK?

  2. Not really. US population in 2016 was 330 milion. 215 million (67%) were registered voters. Of those, only 129 million voted for POTUS. I'll let you extrapolate that the same percentage of non-voters would have voted for Trump but the word was that a lot of dems stayed home either because it was a shoe-in or just not-Bernie. So you can squeak to one hundred million but if the add-ins were really 'craving' they would have voted.

    Do not assume that a Trump voter's family is all-in for Trump. And you really need to leave children out of the equation as their cravings are pretty much limited to hot dogs and ice cream.

    1. I was talking about Americans not just registered voters. But even at 100 million, the Resistance is phishing am awful big bolder up the impeachment hill.
