Thursday, August 30, 2018

Obvious Truth #6

Perhaps there is such a thing as "global warming," but after two decades of fudged data, failed computer models, $billions of "green energy" boondoggles and "scientific" navel gazing; the general public has pretty much figuted out that electric cars get their energy mostly from fossil-fuel fed power plants. -- Anon.


  1. So what’s your point? As of 2015, the gets 14% of electricity production from renewable sources. Many countries get well over 50%, while several are at the high 90% point. You’ll say that the USA has exceptional needs yet 20% of total energy worldwide came from renewable resources. So your “obvious truth” must be qualified as narrow-minded.

    1. The only renewables that make sense are hydroelectric and nuclear ... both of which are unacceptable to the tree huggers. Solar and wind are a very small fraction and a joke in most places.

    2. Scandavia, Germany, China, and many others are increasing wind/solar production at an increasing rate. And California. No joke.

      Unlike fossil fuels, once solar/wind systems produce electricity, there is no need to go after additional fuel. So when oil spikes to $200/barrel, the Saudis will be happy and the US will scramble to pump tar sands, fracked goop to dirty refineries, and dig coal to keep producing electricity. Maybe we'll attack Venezuela to suck up their oil. No joke.

      And if the sun stops shining, the Earth becomes a ball of ice. No joke.

    3. Solar and wind are not base-level suppliers of electricity. On a calm summer night in Arizona they still need electricity-for air conditioners and charge their Teslas. California mandating 100% green energy ny 2045 is loopiness.(unless they go nuclear).

    4. Hydro becomes the base level, and fossil fuels used as the booster when needed. That way fossil fuel supplies could last a long time.

  2. Warms my heart to hear you say “perhaps there is such a thing as global warming”.

    1. We mo longer have glaciers a mile high above our heads. There is some evidence that things have often warmer. But the current speculation is mixed, I'm sure Putin would be happy if he could start farming Siberia.

    2. Oh, yes ... geothermal for those ten homes in Iceland.

  3. TRUTH per Aristotle: “To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true”. All clear?
