Sunday, August 05, 2018


The only two TV networks that covered live President Trump's recent Tampa, Florida rally were Fox News and CSPAN. The over-the-air TV networks, MSMBC and CN did not cover this rally ... so why were many of these media cameras there?  And why was CNN's chief provocateur, Jim Acosta,  quite  visibly present? Hmm?


  1. R. Earl News3:02 PM

    They are there to show the highlights or if any breaking news occurs. The "real news" networks have decided not to give this moron gavel to gavel coverage of his self-serving rallies. Which they should.

    1. After all it's the media that is uber alles.

  2. Maybe the press has accepteted that "rallies" and "tweets" are throwaways in terms of policy and national direction.

    1. Rallies and tweets are Trump's way of talking directly to the American people without being filtered through a biased media. This is one reason that so many media outlets refuse to carry his rallies live ... amd only provide snippets that fisupport their narrative.

  3. Rallies are for his base and thereby alienate the majority. Tweets are pure DJT, unfiltered by anyone, and thereby alienate his staff and cabinet. It is all Donald, only Donald, the self centered megalomaniac.

    1. Perhaps ... but he does seem to be getting important things done.

    2. Perhaps he is un-doing more than he is doing. Alientaing our allies in the world, emboldering our enemies, increasing the economic disparity, sowing mistrust by constant lying & changing stories, denigrating the office with personal attacks on individual citizens.
      He still refuses to show us his taxes, he's undermined every good thing Obama and predecessors did. He is a loose cannon on the deck in a turbulent sea.

    3. Right back atcha

  4. Autocrats do that. I do not expect that level of autonomy from POTUS. Smacks of "dictator" to me. I do not want to be ruled by a dictator.

    1. He is not yet a "real dictator." He is still a "petty dictator."

    2. I have a small concern that if Trump prevails in his many battles, he may be tempted to become truly autocratic. If he does, even I will resist ...
