There are two instances of recent purposeful misrepresentation from the left that really irk me:
- Trump recently tweeted that, if California did!'t let its snow runoff water flow out to the Pacific Ocean, then their wildfires might not be as severe. The fake media has changed this criticism to mean that the firefighters in the Golden State didn't have enough water to fight their wildfires. Balderdash! What Trump clearly meant was that the environmentalist's attempt to save the snail darter, etc. has kept the state from using this water to keep its trees and underbrush from dying during periods of drought. (It is estimated that California now has 14.9 million dead trees.) This dead vegetation and resistance to cutting it down makes them the fuel for these epic wildfires there.
- President Trump imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum using national defense as a reason. He indicated that, because of dumping, both these industries in the US were close to death and this was a national security threat and couldn't be allowed to happen as we would need this manufacturing might in case of international conflict. Canadian Premier Trudeau purposely twisted this rationale by saying that his country was not a national security threat to the US. -- a purposeful distortion. No wonder he has attracted Trump's opprobrium.
Why doesn't Trump explain what he means in clear unambiguous presentations? He leaves so much open to interpretation that misununderstanding is inevitable. Speak clearly. Words matter.
ReplyDeleteHe does when he is on a TelePromptor. But you are right ... when impromptu, he is pretty much stream of conscious. But it does work with many.
DeleteAh! Imagine Trump presenting only prepared, edited scripts! Would persuasive rhetoric alienate his base as much as it might move his detractors to his point of view?
ReplyDeleteI actually believe Trump's stump style appeals to a great nany Americans ... possibly because it is so not like typical pols. To me it gets very repetitive .
DeleteSo if the "fake news" only covered non-rally events and completely ignored his tweets and Fox, his presentations would still be very aggressive but far less incendiary.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in Canada, it was noteworrthy that Fox News was not available. At all.