Saturday, August 04, 2018

Battle of the Titans

It has nothing to do with Russian collusion ... or obstruction of justice. Nor Stormy Daniels nor Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen. Nor the separation of illegal immigrant families. It has nothing to do with Manafort's tax evasion trial nor Jim Acosta's  harassment.  Nor AR-15s. It has nothing to do with Michael Wolfe's or James Comey's best-seller books. These Trump scandals du jour  are merely  tactics in a much larger war ... a battle of the Titans ... much of the old-line TV and print media versus Trump and his followers. I have previously discussed the reason for these hostilities -- the contested supremacy of the media ... see: Uber Alles.

Who will win? Let's see ... it's most of the TV and print media, academia, Mueller, social media, Hollywood, the Chamber of Commerce,  many foreign leaders (particularly those with Herr starting their names), the deep state,  much of the tech industry, George Soros (and the Koch brothers ... talk about strange bedfellows), RINOs, the left coasts, Ivanka Trump, the Clinton posse, suburban women who want free abortions and birth control, (need I go on?) ... all these millions pitted against Trump, his Twitter feed, Sarah Sanders, some of Fox News, most of talk radio, middle America and a few Inherent news sites.

Any sane betting person would wager against Trump. But somehow he is still standing ... in fact he seems to relish the fight. If he prevails, it will be a much bigger upset than he pulled off against Hillary. But then things might get real interesting ...


  1. "The freedom of the press is one of the greatest bulwarks of liberty, and can never be restrained but by despotic Governments."

    1. With freedom comes a smattering of responsibility. If you think that the chatters on Morning Joe are in any way responsible, then you believe the media uber alles. Trump is allowed to counter last time I looked. The time to worry about Trump becoming despotic is if and when the media rolls over ... which I don't expect any time soon.

    2. So when it is too late is when it is time to worry.

    3. Read Freedom of the Press blog posting ...
