Sunday, July 22, 2018


Trump threatens tariffs on all $500 billion of Chinese imports

U.S. intelligence chief Dan Coats: 'I don't know what happened' in the Trump-Putin meeting

NFL freezes policy baring players from protesting during anthem ...

DHS Sec. Nielsen tells migrants they canmot leave their children in U.S.

White House morale tanks after Helsinki fallout

Trump lays into Fed, says he's  'not thrilled' about interest rate hikes

Wave of senior level repartures at FBI ...

Piro: Peter Strzok 'the personification of the deep state itself'

Trump judicial nominee pulled after racially-charged writings

Trump says stock market gains since his election give him the opportunity to wage trade war: 'We're playing with the bank's money

Google stringing underseas cable from France to Vitginia ...

Report: Tony Podesta offered immunity to testify against Manafort

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