Saturday, July 21, 2018


Trump promised them better, cheaper health care. It's not happening.

Commerce Secretaty Wilbur Ross: We've seen 'positive developments' in trade talks with Mexico

White House struggling to contain political outcry ...

Donald Trump: No confidence in Intelligence led by Brennan, Clapper, Comey

Trump: Dems have 'death wish' in push to abolish ICE

New York governor 'opens the door' to a criminal case against the Trump

Iran claims it rejected Trump meeting requests 8 times ...

Trudeau appoints border minister because of wave of asylum seekers

Trump plays semantics on Russian meddling

Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon: 'We're at war with China'

Could Putin have bugged soccer ball he gave Trump?

Barack Obama: 'Men gave been getting on my nerves lately'

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