Friday, July 06, 2018

Full Plate

President Trump has a full plate of problems ... mostly because of other presidents ignoring them. But he seems to recognize most of them and is willing to try to fix things.  Here are some:

- Our broken immigration system

- Our porous southern border

- The political mare's nest in the Middle East

- Our enormous negative balance of trade with China and the EU (read Germany)

- The burdensome cost of being the world's police force

- An economy burdened by regulation and a counter-productive taxing system

- Constitutional-guaranteed freedoms under constant assault

- A military unprepared for its looming challenges ... particularly from China

- The North Korean and Iranian nuclear threats

- The constant menace of Islam-inspired terrorism

- Soaring medical costs not matched by results (particularly for veterans)

- A growing national debt driven largely by feel-good entitlements

- Restoring the national dream of equal opportunity for all

You get the picture ... the list goes on and on. And, in most cases, Trump is fixing things ... or , at least, trying to. This is not something that could be said for our previous three prexies.

Will he remedy them all? Probably not ... but enough of them to be called very consequential and to MAGA. That is enough for me and most attentive Americans (maybe not Mueller).


  1. What with many years of the largest national military budget by an order of magnitude, what does the military need to prepare for the looming changes? Is it not clear that they do not need more money?

    1. You forget ... we are still the police force for the world ... and also need to maintain an expensive up-to-date nuclear deterrent.

    2. i would like to forget that we are the police force for the world. We cannot pry ourselves out of any of ghe 80+ countries where we have significant military presence. Why that is so i cannot say.

      As to the nuclear deterrent, how vulnerable is out of date weaponry that we actually and literally do not use? is the more to deter after you kill every human on the planet?

  2. Tell me more about his efforts toward that "equal opportunity for all".

  3. As to those soaring medical costs, DJT flopped in doing anything more than rolling back the individual mandate. I thought he had a big beautiful plan that would be cheaper and cover everyone.
