Saturday, June 16, 2018

The Axis

From Powerline blog


  1. Each edit i see of that picture distorts it more and more. This cropping makes it unclear as to who “we” and “you” are. Where’s Trump? There are no two people looking at one other. We never nuked Germany. If you look at the original image, you can see that Abe, Bolton, and Trump are all looking at Macron whose face is just visible. Merkel is emphasizing the frustration that Macron is dishing out.

  2. You are so right. As I technical writer, the image must support the text if possible. This caption is stupid in the uncropped image and absurd as cropped. Might as well be Merkel saying “Did we miss the damn shuttle bus to airport again?”

  3. Maybe it is about Abe listening to Macron, and not about Trump or Merkel at all. But France did not drop a nuke on Japan. The USA did. When they invite Putin, Kim, Xi, Erdogan, and Duterte, the G12 will have Trump’s old buddies.

    1. I don't think Trimp is a fan of Erdogan. Recently Erdogan predicted that the coming war would be between the cross and the crescent. In which case Putin might be good to have in your corner. No?

  4. You mean the cross-carriers will be on a “crusade” against the crescent-carriers? Where has that come up before in the last 1400 years?

  5. Aren’t all the ME conflicts about cross vs crescent? Both Abrahamic. The non-Abrahamic religions avoid both the cross and the crescent sinkholes of blood and treasure.
