Sunday, June 24, 2018


 Sunlight is the best disinfectant. -- Michael Kinsley

On cable TV this morning watching talking heads, I  repeatedly heard that illegal immigrants are more law-abiding than the general population of the U.S. Is this so? The answer needs more sunlight, i.e., facts.

It so happens that roughly 15% of all prisoners under federal detention are illegal aliens (22%, for all aliens) Now this same proportion of the U.S. population (330 million) would suggest over 50 million ... and, since the estimated number of illegal immigrants is about 11 million (3% of  U.S. population), this means that illegal immigrants are five times more likely to commit federal crimes than American citizens. Actually, the ratio of criminals among illegal male aliens would be even higher for three reasons:

1) The above comparisons assume equal numbers of male and female criminals. We know that males are disproportionately represented ... so the ratio of federal crime commission is likely higher.

2) These are only federal crime numbers, they omit local crimes such as drunk driving, reckless driving, spousal abuse, drug trafficking, sex crimes, etc.

3) Because of the difficulty of prosecuting local crimes (and even some federal crimes) due to  bail jumping, language barriers and no-show court appearances, even if we had good local statistics, they would surely underestimate the true proportions of local illegal alien criminals.

Bottom line ... I would estimate that illegal alien males are at least 10 times more likely to commit crimes than the rest of us. So, dear readers, when you hear that illegal aliens are more upright and honest than American citizens (other than those people making these assertions), please don't believe this hogwash.

We need even more sunlight on this issue.


  1. Sunlight would be comprised of ten-year data from credible sources for each element of your derivations, including those Central American countries that have the disfunctional societies. And why don’t these immigrants stop in Mexico where there would seem to be agricultural and manufacturing opportunities.

    1. Because Mexico is not our friend ... It is still fighting the last war.

  2. Mexico signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848.

    1. And the front runner in the cut tent Mexican presidential election urges his followers to overrun the border. And, of course, Central Americams are given free passage to "el Norde".
