Friday, June 01, 2018

More Dark Stuff

To expand on yesterday's suppositions on dark matter and dark energy ... see: Dark Stuff, I  offer the following flights of my fancy:

Let's imagine that there is, in fact, a 5h dimension -- force. Let us call it virtual gravity (a force, mass/acceleration). Now, at the beginning of time, matter was being created in vast quantities. This matter needed gravity and could well grab acceleration from the denominator of virtual gravity ... leaving lots of virtual mass to stand alone as dark matter?

Initially matter and virtual matter would be pretty balanced, but as the billions of suns in our universe convert mass into energy, the ratio of dark matter to real matter would swing to where it is today -- 3 or 4 to one.

Next,  to dark energy. Because of the preponderance of dark matter, for billions of years our universe was collapsing until about five billion years ago when it started expanding again ... and this expansion is now accelerating. How can this be?  Let's go back to our 5th dimensional model. When matter is converted to energy, it likely loses its gravity. As, in our real world, more real matter is converted to real energy, the denominator, acceleration, in the virtual world is growing faster than the numerator (mass) and so things are reversed and our universe is once again expanding faster and faster. (Perhaps instead of dark energy, it should be called dark acceleration?)

Could be ...

Afterward: And the reason we cannot "see" dark matter and dark energy is that they live in a dimension beyon our senses and current understanding.

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